
Case Studies

Julianne Price Real Estate

In March 2021, Julianne Price, Principal at Julianne Price Real Estate asked us for help in finding a senior residential property manager with some business development acumen as part of their skillset. Julianne understood the importance of getting the right person for her team and was looking for quality, experience, and a good cultural fit.

Due to natural growth, Julianne's property portfolio was increasing, and she needed a quality professional with at least 5 years’ experience to manage a medium-sized portfolio.

To find the ideal candidate that matched the criteria, we used our personal contacts in the industry, networking with people who we knew were actively looking, as well as undertaking a thorough database search.

The chosen candidate has had a big impact on Julianne’s business. They have been able to confidently lead the property management department towards a growing portfolio of properties that have improved in quality, resulting in happy landlords and tenants with no arrears or outstanding leases. The added reliability and confidence of an effective leader in the department has improved the company culture leading to a happier team.

A flow-on effect is that the sales side of the business has also increased. Julianne has more time to spend on property sales, knowing that the property management side of the business is well taken care of.


During SAPOL’s restructuring of the property department in late 2019, it also received additional funding as well as having a high volume of projects on the go. Because the approval process to undertake recruitment can be quite lengthy in government, and the department needed assistance straight away, temp staff were sourced to manage the project load until a new structure was implemented.

Multiple qualified and experienced capital works project managers were hired straight from our database in a temporary capacity for 6-12 months, to run projects across a very large and mixed portfolio of assets.

We were able to find the right people fast, who also had a great cultural fit to the department. This allowed them to integrate quickly and start managing projects straight away.

Some of those temps have been successful in winning longer-term contracts with SAPOL – cementing the fact that they were highly suitable!

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