Did you know that the end of the financial year (EOFY) – and the start of a new one – is an ideal time to look for a new job?
This is an important and exciting time for job seekers. With fresh budgets and projects on the near horizon, now is the time when hiring managers start to think about the people they require to achieve the next year’s goals.
Here are some reasons why now is an ideal time to job search:
Less Competition
There is generally less competition in the job market towards the end of the financial year than in January and February.
Fresh job opportunities
More job opportunities often arise at EOFY when many organisations begin a recruitment process as new projects are being set up. Our 2024 Employment and Salary Trends report shows 26% of employers hiring temps do so to cover project work. Temp roles can give you exposure to a new industry, provide greater flexibility or help you explore a whole new career change.
A temp role can also lead to a permanent opportunity, with 52% of all Australian employers recruiting someone temp-to-perm in the last 12 months. Edge recruitment has a temp specialist, Senior Recruitment Consultant Taryn Widdows who can help you explore our current temp opportunities.
Many organisations will be evaluating their yearly expenses and more specifically, where to invest for the new year. This means more money is available to be spent on recruitment and could be looking to grow their teams if necessary.
Time for a fresh start
You could think of July 1 as a fresh start! As the halfway point of the calendar year, this is an ideal time to reflect on whether you are still on track with your career goals. If your current job isn’t turning out as planned, this is a good time to transition into a new job rather than waiting until year’s end.
Here are some tips to put your best foot forward and capitalise on EOFY opportunities:
Start conversations now
Having conversations early will put you ahead of those waiting until July and front of mind to hiring managers looking to hire early for new starters to commence in the new financial year.
Plan ahead
Revisit conversations you may have previously had throughout the year with recruiters, hiring managers and within your network to remind them you are on the lookout for a new role.
Rebrand yourself
Use this as a time to update your CV. Remember to tailor it to highlight certain skills specific to the role you are applying for. We found the No.1 resume hack that will save you hours.
Also, as many hiring managers and recruiters will look at your online profile, ensure you update your LinkedIn profile so it reflects the information in your CV.
Know your worth
Our 2024 Employment and Salary Trends report includes a comprehensive guide of salary trends by role and city for Australia, New Zealand and the UK. Request a copy of the report to have an idea of salary expectation before you approach interviews.
So, if you’re looking for a change, with a little planning and some help from the experienced Edge Recruitment team, you can make sure you’re in the right place at the right time to take advantage of all the new opportunities the EOFY brings, so get in touch with us today.
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