According to SEEK, facilities managers are one of the most highly rated careers in the property industry in terms of job satisfaction. With good prospects for job growth in coming years and an attractive salary range, it’s no wonder that facilities managers (FMs) rate themselves a 4.1 out of 5 in terms of job satisfaction.
A facilities manager is responsible for the operational control of buildings and other assets in retail, commercial and industrial settings. They coordinate the maintenance and repairs in order to provide a safe, secure and clean environment for its occupants. Other duties include project management of capital upgrades, overseeing the management of contracts such as cleaning, security and fire services, budgeting, health and safety, managing energy efficiency and compliance.
John Gerschwitz, General Manager at Universal FM gives his thoughts on this sector of the property industry. ‘What I love about facilities management is that no two days are the same and I get the opportunity to help and support people as they go about their day-to-day lives. In my role, I need to think outside the square, come up with new processes, try new things and continuously improve.
It is a well-respected profession and is essential to ensure critical infrastructure is maintained, serviced and repaired in a safe environment. Facilities management also provides the possibility to relocate and opportunities to progress.’
Salary And Job Opportunities
Facilities management is a career that has the potential to earn a 6-figure salary. In South Australia, the average annual salary for a Facilities Manager is between $100k and $120k.
According to SEEK, projected job growth for facilities management over the next 5 years is 6.4%, showing there will be plenty of demand for facilities managers going forward.
There are currently 41 facilities management jobs advertised in South Australia and 1030 jobs advertised Australia wide, indicating strong demand for facilities managers and excellent prospects for those wishing to enter the industry.
Facilities Management As A Career
Facilities management roles do not typically require formal qualifications, however, many FMs have done professional development in areas such as Work Health & Safety and Project Management, etc. FMs with qualifications in the Diploma of Property Services (Asset and Facility Management) or the Diploma of Facilities Management will be highly regarded by employers. In South Australia, we see some FMs that have transitioned from a mechanical engineering background and we see this most often in applicants from overseas.
In the past, many facility managers have come from a trade background, but the increased focus on compliance, energy efficiency and contract management has required FM’s to have very competent administration and computer skills, on top of strong technical knowledge.
If you’re looking at career options in the property industry, facilities management looks like an attractive career choice, showing high levels of job satisfaction, good job prospects, and excellent salary potential.
Source: Statistics included sourced from SEEK
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