As we prepare to turn our calendars to a new year, it's naturally a time for reflection and resolutions, and for some, that might mean taking the next career step or moving into a new job.
If you are considering a job search in the new year, there are some important things to think about before you start.
It’s a good time to reflect on why you might want a new job and get an understanding of the top essentials recruiters and employers look for when hiring, to ensure you are a desirable and stand out candidate when you begin your search.
Stop and visualise
Before you start applying for jobs, visualise what kind of organisation you’d like to work for. Is it a corporate environment, or perhaps somewhere more relaxed; is it a small organisation or a big one? Is it in the same or different industry? Are you seeking a similar role to your current one or a more senior one?
Prioritise job factors
Think about what factors are most important to you in a job and order them from most important to least important. This will help you diagnose if a job offer is right for you. Factors could include location, salary, flexibility (can you/do you want to work from home?), opportunities for training and professional development, workplace culture and nature of the role.
Start with self-assessment
Before applying for jobs, consider your strengths and weaknesses, thoroughly revise your work history, review your achievements and career goals and be prepared to answer questions about them.
Don’t keep doing what you’ve always done
As the saying goes, “If you keep doing what you’ve always done, you’re going to get what you’ve always got”. Change is difficult! If it wasn’t you’d be doing it all the time. Ask what it is that stands in your way. Is it confidence, qualifications, time? Each of these roadblocks can be overcome, often in conjunction with the other.
Consider temp work
If you haven’t found permanent work, consider temp work. Temping can be a great way to make new contacts and learn new skills while you are job hunting. It can also lead to a permanent placement, as more than 20% of our temp placements go permanent.
Job seekers often tell us they don’t know what recruiters and employers are looking for when hiring.
As recruiters, it’s our job to place candidates who match our client’s requirements, ensure they are a good cultural fit, and are well positioned to excel once in the role. To do this successfully, we look for several essentials when assessing a candidate’s suitability that go well beyond simply having done the job before.
To ensure you are a desirable candidate, prepare to demonstrate these five important traits:
Adaptability to change
This is a timelessly important skill that is often overlooked. Candidates who can demonstrate their ability to produce excellent work during a time of change are highly valuable and more attractive to employers.
Good stability
As the saying goes - past behaviour predicts future performance. Having a stable work history shows that you are a secure choice, is an indicator of loyalty and may be why you are chosen over another candidate with similar experience and skills.
People who display enthusiasm for what they do are happier in their jobs and contribute positively to their workplace. Therefore, candidates who come to their job interviews equipped with enthusiasm and a positive attitude are more likely to win the role.
Motivation to grow
You can exhibit drive and determination by showing your motivation to grow within an organisation. Candidates that can show a history of moving upwards in a business are more impressive than those who lack a desire to progress.
A great attitude
When it comes to choosing the best candidate, your attitude will outweigh your skills and experience for importance. A person’s attitude encompasses their personality, outlook on life, work ethic and how they respond to challenges. These are elements that can’t be taught on the job. You can fill in any gaps in skills and experience with training, but you can’t teach attitude.
With a little thought, planning and preparation before you start a new year job search, you can set yourself up for success and land the job you dream of.
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