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Achieving a Healthy Work/Life Balance: Tips for Managers and Employees

Maintaining a positive work-life balance is essential for a happy and satisfying life both personally and professionally. Poor work-life balance can lead to lower levels of productivity, burnout and higher employee turnover.

However, achieving a healthy balance between work and the rest of our lives is easier said than done – it requires responsibility and effort from both employers and their workers.

Here are some practical tips tailored for both managers and employees to achieve a healthy work-life balance:

Tips for Managers

1. Model work/life balance

As the saying goes, practise what you preach! Demonstrate your own work/life balance by leaving work on time, sending or scheduling emails within work hours and taking breaks during the day and annual leave, to encourage employees to do the same.

2. Offer and encourage flexibility

Providing the ability to job share, work remotely from home or at another location and alter working hours to choose when they start and finish supports your employees to manage their personal responsibilities without compromising their work commitments.

3. Prioritise mental health

Provide employee support services such as an Employee Assistance Program – external providers can support people to work through personal, family or work-related issues that could be affecting their work performance. Also consider wellness programs and workplace benefits (there are some good ideas here) and normalise taking mental health days.

4. Set clear boundaries

Establish clear expectations about work hours and communication. Encourage employees to disconnect after hours, reducing the pressure to be constantly available. If your employees have an opportunity to forget about work and de-stress, they’ll be more productive and motivated when they return to the office.

5. Promote team collaboration

Encourage teamwork to share workloads and reduce individual stress. Also consider setting up a social committee; social activities in and outside the office give employees an opportunity to take their minds off work and relax.

6. Check in regularly

Conduct regular one-on-ones to discuss workloads and employee well-being. Show genuine concern and identify what is working and adjust what is not.

Tips for Employees

1. Set boundaries

Establish boundaries such as sticking to clearly defined work hours, not taking work home, and not checking work email on weekends. While there are likely to be occasional exceptions or last-minute emergencies, do your best to stick to these boundaries.

2. Start small

If work-life balance is new for you, starting small can be an effective strategy. Try establishing one work boundary and sticking with it for a few weeks before introducing another one, to give your manager and colleagues time to adjust to your new routine and increase your chances of being successful.

3. Take breaks and utilise your time off

Make a habit of regularly using leave days and personal time. Stepping away from work is crucial for recharging your mind and maintaining productivity over longer periods.

4. Engage in hobbies

Dedicate your time outside of work to hobbies or activities that bring you joy. This can significantly improve your overall well-being and also helps you be more present at work, knowing that you have ample opportunities for a full life outside of work.

5. Practice mindfulness

Incorporate mindfulness techniques like meditation or deep breathing exercises into your daily routine. These can help reduce stress and improve focus.

6. Communicate Needs

Don’t hesitate to communicate your needs to your manager or team. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, ask for support or adjustments in your workload.

By implementing these strategies, everyone can contribute towards creating a supportive culture that not only benefits the health and wellbeing of all employees, but also the overall performance of organisations.

We can all work together to foster environments where both professional and personal lives can thrive through the ever-elusive work-life balance!